Friday, October 14, 2016

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

L10n 2.0.0 is out today

Greeting, everyone!
L10n 2.0.0, an update fixing over 100 issues, is available now.
Among the other improvements, build includes self-host version of the Portal and API !
So just download Portal 2.0.0 and try it!
Happy upgrading!

Monday, March 14, 2016

How to use HTTP API

In this post we'll see how to use HTTP API of Localization Web Service.

Presume you have created project, message bundle and some version if no can follow and checkout this post about terms and meanings.

In our case have such structure


  • "My Web-Site" 
  • "User Portal"
  • 0.0.2

Navigate to API Access page. Select message bundle (1) and version (2) , can see all parameters for using HTTP API

Let's try API!  
For more information check documentation   

Use  http method GET
1) To authorize need to set "Access-Token" header
2) Add url parameters: b - bundle key, v - version

All of them you can find in API Access page as described above.

Response looks like this

In response we see 2 my messages for language "en" and country "US".

It works!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Access managment in portal

Account administator can give access another account to operate project. 

To do this open projects page and click on add user button

Access managment page

On this page display all accounts that have access to selected project.

Add new account:

1) Write an email of account

2) Select permission
3) Click 'add' button

After that invited account can see your project in his all projects page.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Commonly used terms in

In this post, I'll show you commonly used terms in portal 


When you sign up portal creates an account. An account typically represents a company or individual user. This account houses various projects and message bundles, account can be invited to administrate or read-only access any projects from another account. Additional information and change password you can find in profile page.


A project is a container for message bundles. Project can represent a web-site, mobile application, desktop application, etc. Account administrators can create as many projects as they need, they can also assign project maintainers to them as described above.


A message bundle is a space of storing languages and localized messages. Bundle can represent a module or part of your project. In example below site has two modules admin and user portal, so translations in different bundles.


A version is a holder of your languages and messages. Any large project need versioning.


A message is a combination key and value, unique key used to identify message in your product and value is a localized string.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Introduction to

Simplify your localization process and support with

It is a web service for manage and store localization messages in on central place. 

How it can be useful: 
  1. API can be used in multiple platform development.  
  2. Multiple user access to project translations. Easily coordinate with everyone involved in localization process.
  3. Real-time content modification. Translation can be delivered to project in run-time.

Localize any application



You can manage multiple projects with any versions and localization bundles.


Checkout the service